Friday, September 16, 2005


Just like the picture i did last week, i'm changing and evolving constantly in a slow but steady pace.

Even though changes do not always come at my own will, i guess that what life is all about--- embrace changes, try to like them and live with them.

I notice a few changes in myself, some of which i used to hate, but generally i like myself now---i think there is nothing more important than that. My changes are:

1) showing off
i used to hate it very much, but i think i just have to do it now. Otherwise others would not know my design work.

2) being very precise
this school trains my hands more than brain. fine artist may do whatever they want, but as an aspiring designer, i learn to be intolerant to even 0.01 inch measurement mistake.

3) spending more time in decorating myself
if i can't make myself a nice looking package, how could any corporate clients would believe i can do for them?

4) being mean
i'm a kind person by nature---i'm saying this without any embarrassment. However, as i realize, there are just some people who do not deserve my kindness.

ha, time to go back to my homework! : )


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