Saturday, September 10, 2005

Compliment i collected so far

#1 “you are a beautiful human kind.”
----from our residential manager in my dormitory.
It was during a housing meeting, and I was asking if we had to recycle trash.

#2 “good...good..good...”
----from my calligraphy professor
He made such comment while reviewing my calligraphy assignment.

#3 “I like the middle picture. No student has ever done it that way. But all three of your pictures are successful in their own way.” “I like…because…”
----from my teacher and classmates in class of fundamentals of graphic design
I was so nervous about this assignment, and I was so afraid that I might fail. It turned out good…Thank god for that.

#4 “oh I forgot to mention you are very pretty”

Just when I thought it was all bad, something good comes along. Living in this city makes me feel like I’ll surely be better off tomorrow.

Magical San Francisco!


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