Sunday, March 26, 2006

movie- v for vendetta

the only question i had after watching this movie twice is that:

if V did not go through or witness all those tortures from his government, would he be that determined to destroy it?

i guess most people would be like 'i know my govenment is not perfect, but its OK... '

Monday, March 13, 2006

my dada poem (inspired by Dadaists)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

information graphics

Friday, March 03, 2006

a photoshoppy picture

"You're always my angel, but sometimes you act like a devil." -t.nichols

Thursday, March 02, 2006

david carson

David Carson’s design work is really distinctive. When I flipped through his book “trek”, I was confused.

Those distorted type, organic, unorganized lines, shapes, and blurry out of focus images ran though the whole book. He seemed to discard all the design disciplines, and make design a self-exploring and self-expressive creation. His type seemed arbitrary and random— never intends to be legible or reader-friendly at all. His images are usually overlapped and “raw” (like fresh out from camera, and never bother to make them neat looking).

Is that so make him an influential designer? If design could be this random and self-expressive approach, what’s the point of rigid school training?