Tuesday, January 24, 2006

i really like my boyfriend's jokes

Location: his aunt's house in St. Loius
Timing: Christmas gift-giving time

We gave his mom and sister perfumes but chocolate for his aunt (Sandy). He explained," we did not give sandy perfume because she doesn't smell that bad."

Location: Cala food supermarket in SF
Timing: Midnight plus we were both worn out for carrying too much grocery with us

I saw Coke was on sale and cost only 6 dollars for 4 2-liter bottles. i exclaimed, "hey, it's good deal!"
Reluctantly he replied, " it's almost like last time they had 4 dolllars for 3. Soon there will be 60 dollars for 100 Coke.

As i told him i was gonna writ his jokes down, he simply said,
"you are such a dork."

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

: )

just got all my portfolio books back from school.

when turning those pages, i felt so proud of myself. i saw all improvement i made this semster--comping, composition, typography, calligraphy...it just couldn't be more satisfying. : )

attached my two favorites assignment below -- cd cover and postcard design.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

vacation pic

portland, OR